
Sophy is very simple to use. It acts like a Python dict object, but in addition to normal dictionary operations, you can read slices of data that are returned efficiently using cursors. Similarly, bulk writes using update() use an efficient, atomic batch operation.

Despite the simple APIs, Sophia has quite a few advanced features. There is too much to cover everything in this document, so be sure to check out the official Sophia storage engine documentation.

The next section will show how to perform common actions with sophy.

Using Sophy

Let’s begin by importing sophy and creating an environment. The environment can host multiple databases, each of which may have a different schema. In this example our database will store UTF-8 strings as the key and value (though other data-types are supported). Finally we’ll open the environment so we can start storing and retrieving data.

from sophy import Sophia, Schema, StringIndex

# Instantiate our environment by passing a directory path which will store
# the various data and metadata for our databases.
env = Sophia('/tmp/sophia-example')

# We'll define a very simple schema consisting of a single utf-8 string for
# the key, and a single utf-8 string for the associated value. Note that
# the key or value accepts multiple indexes, allowing for composite
# data-types.
schema = Schema([StringIndex('key')], [StringIndex('value')])

# Create a key/value database using the schema above.
db = env.add_database('example_db', schema)

if not env.open():
    raise Exception('Unable to open Sophia environment.')

In the above example we used StringIndex which stores UTF8-encoded string data. The following index types are available:

CRUD operations

Sophy databases use the familiar dict APIs for CRUD operations:

>>> db['name'] = 'Huey'
>>> db['animal_type'] = 'cat'
>>> print(db['name'], 'is a', db['animal_type'])
Huey is a cat

>>> 'name' in db
>>> 'color' in db

>>> del db['name']
>>> del db['animal_type']
>>> print(db['name'])  # raises a KeyError.
KeyError: ('name',)

To insert multiple items efficiently, use the Database.update() method. Multiple items can be retrieved or deleted efficiently using Database.multi_get(), Database.multi_get_dict(), and Database.multi_delete():

>>> db.update(k1='v1', k2='v2', k3='v3')
>>> for value in db.multi_get('k1', 'k3', 'kx'):
...     print(value)


>>> db.multi_get_dict(['k1', 'k3', 'kx'])
{'k1': 'v1', 'k3': 'v3'}

>>> db.multi_delete('k1', 'k3', 'kx')
>>> 'k1' in db

Other dictionary methods

Sophy databases also provide efficient implementations of keys(), values() and items() for iterating over the data-set. Unlike dictionaries, however, iterating directly over a Sophy Database will return the equivalent of the items() method (as opposed to just the keys).


Sophia is an ordered key/value store, so iteration will return items in the order defined by their index. So for strings and bytes, this is lexicographic ordering. For integers it can be ascending or descending.

>>> db.update(k1='v1', k2='v2', k3='v3')
>>> list(db)
[('k1', 'v1'),
 ('k2', 'v2'),
 ('k3', 'v3')]

>>> db.items()  # Returns a Cursor, which can be iterated.
<sophy.Cursor at 0x7f1dac231ee8>
>>> [item for item in db.items()]
[('k1', 'v1'),
 ('k2', 'v2'),
 ('k3', 'v3')]

>>> list(db.keys())
['k1', 'k2', 'k3']

>>> list(db.values())
['v1', 'v2', 'v3']

There are two ways to get the count of items in a database. You can use the len() function, which is not very efficient since it must allocate a cursor and iterate through the full database. An alternative is the Database.index_count property, which may not be exact as it includes transaction duplicates and not-yet-merged duplicates:

>>> len(db)
>>> db.index_count

Range queries

Because Sophia is an ordered data-store, performing ordered range scans is efficient. To retrieve a range of key-value pairs with Sophy, use the ordinary dictionary lookup with a slice as the index:

>>> db.update(k1='v1', k2='v2', k3='v3', k4='v4')
>>> db['k1':'k3']
<generator at 0x7f1db413bbf8>

>>> list(db['k1':'k3'])  # NB: other examples omit list() for clarity.
[('k1', 'v1'), ('k2', 'v2'), ('k3', 'v3')]

>>> db['k1.x':'k3.x']  # Inexact matches are OK, too.
[('k2', 'v2'), ('k3', 'v3')]

>>> db[:'k2']  # Omitting start or end retrieves from first/last key.
[('k1', 'v1'), ('k2', 'v2')]

>>> db['k3':]
[('k3', 'v3'), ('k4', 'v4')]

>>> db['k3':'k1']  # To retrieve a range in reverse, use the higher key first.
[('k3', 'v3'), ('k2', 'v2'), ('k1', 'v1')]

To retrieve a range in reverse order where the start or end is unspecified, you can pass in True as the step value of the slice to also indicate reverse:

>>> db[:'k2':True]  # Start-to-"k2" in reverse.
[('k2', 'v2'), ('k1', 'v1')]

>>> db['k3'::True]
[('k4', 'v4'), ('k3', 'v3')]

>>> db[::True]
[('k4', 'v4'), ('k3', 'v3'), ('k2', 'v2'), ('k1', 'v1')]


For finer-grained control over iteration, or to do prefix-matching, Sophy provides a Cursor interface.

The cursor() method accepts five parameters:

  • order (default=``>=``) - semantics for matching the start key and ordering results.
  • key - the start key
  • prefix - search for prefix matches
  • keys - (default=``True``) – return keys while iterating
  • values - (default=``True``) – return values while iterating

Suppose we were storing events in a database and were using an ISO-8601-formatted date-time as the key. Since ISO-8601 sorts lexicographically, we could retrieve events in correct order simply by iterating. To retrieve a particular slice of time, a prefix could be specified:

# Iterate over events for July, 2017:
cursor = db.cursor(key='2017-07-01T00:00:00', prefix='2017-07-')
for timestamp, event_data in cursor:
    process_event(timestamp, event_data)


Sophia supports ACID transactions. Even better, a single transaction can cover operations to multiple databases in a given environment.

Example of using Sophia.transaction():

account_balance = env.add_database('balance', ...)
transaction_log = env.add_database('transaction_log', ...)

# ...

def transfer_funds(from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    with env.transaction() as txn:
        # To write to a database within a transaction, obtain a reference to
        # a wrapper object for the db:
        txn_acct_bal = txn[account_balance]
        txn_log = txn[transaction_log]

        # Transfer the asset by updating the respective balances. Note that we
        # are operating on the wrapper database, not the db instance.
        from_bal = txn_acct_bal[from_acct]
        txn_acct_bal[to_account] = from_bal + amount
        txn_acct_bal[from_account] = from_bal - amount

        # Log the transaction in the transaction_log database. Again, we use
        # the wrapper for the database:
        txn_log[from_account, to_account, get_timestamp()] = amount

Multiple transactions are allowed to be open at the same time, but if there are conflicting changes, an exception will be thrown when attempting to commit the offending transaction:

# Create a basic k/v store. Schema.key_value() is a convenience method
# for string key / string value.
>>> kv = env.add_database('main', Schema.key_value())

# Open the environment in order to access the new db.
>>> env.open()

# Instead of using the context manager, we'll call begin() explicitly so we
# can show the interaction of 2 open transactions.
>>> txn = env.transaction().begin()

>>> t_kv = txn[kv]  # Obtain reference to kv database in transaction.
>>> t_kv['k1'] = 'v1'  # Set k1=v1.

>>> txn2 = env.transaction().begin()  # Start a 2nd transaction.
>>> t2_kv = txn2[kv]  # Obtain a reference to the "kv" db in 2nd transaction.
>>> t2_kv['k1'] = 'v1-x'  # Set k1=v1-x

>>> txn2.commit()  # ERROR !!
SophiaError('transaction is not finished, waiting for concurrent transaction to finish.')

>>> txn.commit()  # OK

>>> txn2.commit()  # Retry committing 2nd transaction. ERROR !!
SophiaError('transasction rolled back by another concurrent transaction.')

Sophia detected a conflict and rolled-back the 2nd transaction.

Index types, multi-field keys and values

Sophia supports multi-field keys and values. Additionally, the individual fields can have different data-types. Sophy provides the following field types:

To store arbitrary data encoded using msgpack, for example:

schema = Schema(StringIndex('key'), MsgPackIndex('value'))
db = sophia_env.add_database('main', schema)

If you have a custom serialization library you would like to use, you can use SerializedIndex, passing the serialize/deserialize callables:

# Equivalent to previous msgpack example.
import msgpack

schema = Schema(StringIndex('key'),
                SerializedIndex('value', msgpack.packb, msgpack.unpackb))
db = sophia_env.add_database('main', schema)

To declare a database with a multi-field key or value, you will pass the individual fields as arguments when constructing the Schema object. To initialize a schema where the key is composed of two strings and a 64-bit unsigned integer, and the value is composed of a string, you would write:

# Declare a schema consisting of a multi-part key and a string value.
key_parts = [StringIndex('last_name'),
value_parts = [StringIndex('address_data')]
schema = Schema(key_parts, value_parts)

# Create a database using the above schema.
address_book = env.add_database('address_book', schema)

To store data, we use the same dictionary methods as usual, just passing tuples instead of individual values:

address_book['kitty', 'huey', 66604] = '123 Meow St'
address_book['puppy', 'mickey', 66604] = '1337 Woof-woof Court'

To retrieve our data:

>>> address_book['kitty', 'huey', 66604]
'123 Meow St.'

To delete a row:

>>> del address_book['puppy', 'mickey', 66604]

Indexing and slicing works as you would expect, with tuples being returned instead of scalar values where appropriate.


When working with a multi-part value, a tuple containing the value components will be returned. When working with a scalar value, instead of returning a 1-item tuple, the value itself is returned.

Configuring and Administering Sophia

Sophia can be configured using special properties on the Sophia and Database objects. Refer to the settings configuration document for the details on the available options, including whether they are read-only, and the expected data-type.

For example, to query Sophia’s status, you can use the Sophia.status property, which is a readonly setting returning a string:

>>> print(env.status)

Other properties can be changed by assigning a new value to the property. For example, to read and then increase the number of threads used by the scheduler:

>>> env.scheduler_threads
>>> env.scheduler_threads = 8

Database-specific properties are available as well. For example to get the number of GET and SET operations performed on a database, you would write:

>>> print(db.stat_get, 'get operations')
24 get operations
>>> print(db.stat_set, 'set operations')
33 set operations

Refer to the settings configuration table for a complete list of available settings.


Sophia can create a backup the database while it is running. To configure backups, you will need to set the path for backups before opening the environment:

env = Sophia('/path/to/data')
env.backup_path = '/path/for/backup-data/'


At any time while the environment is open, you can call the backup_run() method, and a backup will be started in a background thread:


Backups will be placed in numbered folders inside the backup_path specified during environment configuration. You can query the backup status and get the ID of the last-completed backup:

env.backup_active  # Returns 1 if running, 0 if completed/idle
env.backup_last  # Get ID of last-completed backup
env.backup_last_complete  # Returns 1 if last backup succeeded